Friday, April 29, 2011


I've decided to challenge the hell out of myself by doing 100 Bikram classes in 100 days. However, I've had to tweak this challenge a titch already since there are a few weekends where I'll be out of town & unable to practice where I'm going due to prior commitments. To make up for those missed classes, I'll do doubles on certain days. Not quite sure where this decision came from or if I'll be able to even meet it.

All I know is I've gotta give ye olde college try--who knows--I'll probably be able to do it and then some. What am I expecting from this? I have no fucking idea. None. I do know physically I'll change, mentally too. How much mentally I have no idea. But, that's the fun of the challenge--seeing what I can accomplish both physically and mentally--and how I feel when I traipse up the stairs for number 101.

Today was Day 1. All's well so far. More to come. Until then, enjoy.

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