Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Top of the Ninety-fifth ...

I never said my yoga challenge was going to be perfect.

Life gets in the way and sometimes, I'm just too damn lazy to do anything except pee, nosh and look at Internet porn. Most weeks, I only wash my hair once. That's because I have a ton of hair and don't like being underwater for too long-reminds me too much of water boarding. Of course, I shower everyday, but the scrubbing of the locks is only a weekly occurrence until I get a job or when the court orders me to bathe more thoroughly. So, until either of those events happen, I'll just remain holed up in my apartment, not bothering the outside world with my greasy lid or my permanent sneer.

I completed number ninety-five. No great breakthroughs, sadly, just this nagging lower-back pain on my right side that hurts during forward bending poses. Camel, Standing Bow, Balancing Stick and the one where you're supposed to pull your forehead to the floor whilst your legs are all spread eagle, don't hurt at all. However, Eagle Pose is brutal. I can't hold it and when I swing my arms to cross one under the other, all I want to do is Vogue. I tap my feet a bit then the next thing I know, I'm doing Warren Beatty circa 1993. That's not a good image for anyone to have drifting in and out of their subconscious. Great. Now I need one of these. And maybe one of these too.

I'm not even going to discuss this one.  It aggravates this too much at times.


  1. to protect your back, hold in your belly. especially during your forward bends. xo,m

  2. Thanks, M! I do, but i gotta work on my core strength too. Once my core is stronger, it'll be easier for me. Thanks again...
