Thursday, June 2, 2011

Uniboobage Meets the Wardrobe Malfunction

What a suck shit of a day.

First, I let some insensitive, shallow dolts on the Internets get to me, which made me angry. That anger wasn't gone by the time I got to yoga. I kept thinking about how so much of this society is about flash over substance, and how damaging that attitude is toward everyone--even to the ones who are considered flashy and stylish--but they're too fucking clueless to get it. Those of us who are all about substance above everything else, suffer too. But, we get it, that's the difference. We just shake our heads, hopefully learn a lesson and keep the insensitive ones at a football field's length and occasionally acknowledge them with a monotone hello or "S'up" head nod. That's it--but that's tough to do too. Especially for me since I try to look for the good in everyone. Sadly, many I come across lack even the basic, common decency needed to make them functioning members of society--yet they skate along through life, virtually unscathed. I watch in wonder, shake my head and roll my eyes. Sigh. Move along, nothing to see here anymore.

Class was crowded today, which helped me to relax. The pregnant gal was back again too--putting everyone else to shame by holding her poses like a pro and barely breaking a sweat. She's awesome and looks amazing for being 4 months along. It'll be fun to watch her yoga practice & pregnancy evolve together.

I was "posing" along swimmingly until Standing Bow. Then, it happened. My bra came apart at the strap and there was boobage spillage. I was biting my lip so hard to keep from busting out laughing that I held this pose longer even though my boob was creeping up toward my neck. Turns out that laughter is a nice complement to one's yoga practice. In fact, it's downright obsequious. I didn't get a chance to fix my wardrobe malfunction until after Balancing Stick. Yeah, that was a fun one too--boobage swaying in the wind whilst balancing on one leg & my body lookin' like the letter T. I covered up my giggles with coughs. I sat for one set of this pose and did a Rube Goldberg-esque fix of my jumblies-holder. The first time around, it held for about 3 poses, then I had to result to tying the busticated part to the other strap to keep my boobage from grazing my waist. By this time, we were onto the floor poses so having a busted bra wasn't as big an issue. What's nice about Bikram is no one really pays attention to anyone else--except me. I try to take a glance at those around me during class just to see how they're doing.

Long story short, I survived class. So did my bra. But, I do believe it's time to shell out the big bucks to get a new one. Until then, this one's for you. 


  1. sounds like you had a good glass. boob mishap or not.

  2. shallow dolts? flash/substance? i'm confused. but i'm glad you are enjoying your practice
