Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ms. Chubby MacDoublechin crawls back to yoga ...Oct. 26, 2009

I've reached a point in my life where I just want to sit on my couch and either read, watch TV or tinker on the computer. The thought of being out among the living just doesn't have the same thrill as it did 20 years ago. And, in this day and age, being in crowded areas can kill you. Especially if more than half of that crowd doesn't understand the concept of using soap and hot water on their hands after using the loo. Or covering their mouths when they sneeze. Or chewing with their mouths closed. Or using their turn signals. Or realizing that skinny jeans don't look good on dudes and most women/girls.

Well, today I decided to stop the teeth gnashing, get back out among the living sans my hazmat suit and get back into Bikram. Over the past couple of months, I've been dealing with life, which is why I haven't been practicing. Like most folks do from time to time. The great thing about this return to sweatin' and stretchin' is that I now have a partner-in-crime: Ms. Rene Edde. Today was her first class and she "loved and hated it at the same time." Pretty much sums up all Bikram newbies' impressions for the first year or so.

It was a tough re-education this evening. I had nothing. No balance, no grace--nada, zip, zilch. Quite the pathetic sight. And at one point during Cobra Pose, I looked in the mirror and my hair was channeling the late-Johnny Ramone. Through all of the pain, sweat and stretchmark stretching I realized it's for a new 'do. Maybe this. Or this.

Also, never a good idea to do Bikram when one is gassy. That's all I'm sayin'...


  1. Ha! Gassy yoga - I remember a yoga class where somebody let one rip. Everybody ignored it and pretended it didn't smell, but it did. Good times, good times. Glad you're back, Jules, both to yoga and blogging.

  2. Big Brother is watching you.

  3. Re-education is a wonderful thing. I just did this myself and oh do I understand the no grace part. Hang in there girl because in a few more classes you will be rocking it :)

  4. I do regular yoga sometimes and I find it pretty hard. I don't think I could handle Bikram! Props to you!!
