Sunday, August 30, 2009

Do tree trunks sweat?

I have tree trunks for arms.

This is the first thing I notice during the deep breathing pose, or Ardha Chandrasana with Pada-Hastasana, Half-Moon Pose. 

Great. Body part number 200 I need to work on, I thought to myself while trying to shake the sweat out of my eyes--an act that doesn't work as well as it does in cartoons.

My arms were stretched above my head, hands and wrists fused together and elbows locked, when I noticed the that while my arms somewhat bulbous, I do have traces of awesome biceps beneath it all. So, I made a mental note to myself to start doing push-ups, triceps dips, and push-me, pull-yous to tighten 'em up. 

Today's tough pose was Balancing Stick or Tuladandasana.

For some reason, I had this image in my head while I was attempting to balance on one leg. Why, I don't know. So, for a brief moment, I was preening on the ice during the short program at the Olympics in Boogerglob, in the former-Yugoslavia, in my blue-screen blue sparkly get-up and waiting for Coach Inge to use her Eastern-bloc telepathy for any last-minute instructions. The music starts and I'm off, spinning, gliding and barefoot? Back to reality. Arms stretched (gotta start on those arm exercises macht schnell), steps forward with straight knees and ...  fall on my ass. Now, that's classy. Seriously though, I'm glad I didn't cut one during this pose or any other pose for that matter because that would've been unlady like and we all know how concerned I am about maintaining my lady status.

Navette was the instructor again today and she's awesome. Very encouraging and cool, unlike a couple other Bikram yoga instructors I've encountered in the past. Today's class was a mixed-bag of folks working at different levels which is always refreshing. There is nothing like a yoga snob. You know the type: They practice constantly (hey good for them-really) and because of that, they tend to take on a holier-than-thou attitude which, when you think about it, goes against the basic tenets of yoga.
Actually, I've seen this in many sports/activities I've participated in throughout the years and while I completely understand the being the best one can be concept, I don't get the dismissive attitude towards those not as accomplished.

Especially in Chicago.

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